ÖDP rebukes the Greens – Bavaria

The ÖDP in Bavaria has heavily criticized the Greens because of the 130 speed limit. The topic must be included in the coalition agreement in the federal government, but the Greens would give up the demand as a concession to the FDP. “A measure that is immediately effective for climate protection and is also free of charge must not be sacrificed to a lunatic liberalism,” said the deputy chairman of the ÖDP, Agnes Becker, at the regional main committee in Landshut at the weekend. If there were a nationwide referendum, a majority would probably see it that way, says the initiator of the referendum “Save the bees”. This is “a matter of course for everyone who is serious about climate protection”. The small party, which is well-known in Bavaria for its referendum and municipal representation, had 0.7 percent of the second vote in the federal election. It was said in Landshut that the Greens were “in positive competition for the best ecological course.”

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