Oceano: After Jeff Bezos’ yacht, the shipyard shows the next billionaire’s dream

The Dutch Oceanco shipyard will soon have space again – because Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ mega yacht “Koru” is almost ready (Jeff Bezos’ yacht is finally sailing). But what comes next? The shipyard presents one possibility at the start of the Dubai International Boat Show. With the concept of “Aeolus” shows Oceancohow the company imagines modern yachts of the future. The luxury of the floating palaces should by no means be neglected, but within the scope of the possibilities that one has when building a gigantic private yacht, it should become more sustainable.

For this, Oceanco wants to start with the “Aeolus” at two central points: equipment and drive. The yacht is to be built on the “Energy Transition Platform”, with which Oceanco wants to create the possibility of freeing the ship from a diesel engine in several stages.

The company writes: “Every yacht built today must survive the energy transition. A time in which the types of fuel available and the technologies associated with them are changing significantly. This requires an adaptable technical architecture that allows the integration of future technologies and alternative fuels possible.”

Engine without diesel and eggshell instead of marble

Oceanco plans to expand the drive in three stages. At the beginning, the “Aeolus” would run with a diesel engine, which one wants to expand with electric drive technology. In the second stage, the shipyard wants to make the engine fit for alternative fuels with fuel cells. In the last step, the ship should then manage completely without diesel and sail the world’s oceans via fuel cell or hybrid drive. A graphic of the shipyard, for example, provides for methanol generators.

Oceanco also wants to set sustainable accents as far as possible when it comes to the equipment of the ship. According to this, the ship should do without leather and marble, but with clever alternatives it should look at least as valuable. The shipyard wants to replace the leather with Desserto, a vegan leather substitute made from cactus, and the marble they want to imitate with eggshells set in resin.

A concrete construction of the “Aeolus” is not yet planned, for the time being the ship only exists on paper. Oceanco has not commented on a possible price, a ship of this size is likely to cost upwards of 200 million euros.

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