Obituary for Hans Janke: Pleasure in doubt – media


Nils Minkmar

Lately he had become a flâneur whom one met without making an appointment. His easy-going, free-spirited manner of strolling around the city provided a sharp contrast to the content of the conversations, for he was as engaged, concerned, and teasing as ever. If you stood with him, you felt like you were in the spiritual center of the West, the conversation about times and life was so interesting and relevant. He took every encounter so seriously. Hans Janke could talk about the complicated life of his hairdresser just as seriously, competently and never indiscreetly as he could about the inner workings of the big newspapers or the course of social democracy. Not only did he see everything that good stations broadcast, he also read all the articles in the German quality press every day. And then he wrote: Dozens of journalists know these short, fine Hans Janke SMS messages. This is the first lengthy article that he will no longer comment on.

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