Oberschleißheim – On the way to the Fairtrade Town – District of Munich

Oberschleißheim wants to contribute to making the world fairer. The municipal council decided in December that they want to become a “Fairtrade Town” and that they are trying to obtain the appropriate certification. A steering group is now to be set up to coordinate the community’s activities and develop ideas for implementing the fair trade concept locally. According to a message from the town hall, citizens of all ages, private individuals and officials from clubs, politics, churches, schools and other institutions or organizations who want to campaign for more fairness in trade and enjoy creative work in a group are looking for and who want to actively shape the rethinking in the community. Diverse commitment is possible – for example the sale of fair trade products at events and festivals in the village. Mayor Markus Böck (CSU) says, “the kick-off event to form a steering group is a fundamental step on the way to the Fairtrade community and really brings the project to life”. The kick-off event for the founding of the steering group will take place on Thursday, March 17, at 6 p.m. in the community center/conference room. Interested parties can register by sending an email to [email protected]. Eight municipalities in the district of Munich have already been certified as “Fairtrade Towns”, and the district of Munich has also been part of this since 2019. More information is available at www.oberschleissheim.de and www.fairtrade-towns.de

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