Oberhof: One dead and several injured in an accident on the bobsleigh run

One dead and several injured in an accident on a bobsleigh track

Ambulances and helpers are at the exit of the bob run. photo

© Steffen Ittig/News5/dpa

Serious accident on the Oberhof bobsleigh run: A guest bobsled hits two hose rings in the finish area, one person dies. Others are injured, some seriously. Railway operations have been suspended for the time being.

A person died yesterday in a serious accident on the Oberhof bobsleigh and luge track. Another person was seriously injured, two others slightly injured, as the Thuringian Winter Sports Center Association announced in the evening on request.

A guest bob drove into two hose rings, so-called ice tubes, in the target area, as an employee of the German Press Agency said. One person in a hose ring succumbed to his injuries. Another suffered serious injuries. Two people were slightly injured in the guest bobsled, which was controlled by a professional. The injured received medical attention in a clinic.

Cause of accident still unclear

The accident happened around 6:30 p.m. Around two dozen police, fire brigade, mountain rescue and medical services were on site. The cause of the accident is still unclear, it is the subject of police investigations. Until the cause of the accident has been clarified, the operator has suspended rail operations with immediate effect. Competitions and training operations planned for today are therefore cancelled, as the employee said.

The luge world championships took place on the track at the end of January. The site is also used for guest events. For example, guests can ride in a bobsleigh steered by a professional or ride down the ice chute with tube rings.

Thuringia’s Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow expressed his dismay at the fatal accident. “The terrible accident on the Oberhof bobsleigh track took the life of a person. I mourn the deceased with the family, I hope for a speedy recovery for the injured and thank the helpers who worked tirelessly last night,” wrote the left-wing politician today on twitter.


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