Oberhausen: 18-year-old dies in an accident at the fair

18-year-old dies in an accident at a fair

After the fatal accident, police officers are on the “Break Dance” ride in Oberhausen

© Michael Weber/Wtvnews Oberhausen/DPA

A young man died at a folk festival in Oberhausen. He fell while collecting the ride chips and was seriously injured when the ride was started.

An 18-year-old died in an accident at a fair in Oberhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia. The son of a showman family wanted to collect the driving chips of a driving device on Sunday evening at the Sterkrader Corpus Christi fair, as the organizer announced on the same evening. When starting the ride, he fell and suffered serious injuries, from which he died on the spot.

Oberhausen ends fair after accident

The city ended the festival early after the accident – “in view of the severity of the accident and out of sympathy for the relatives”. On Monday morning, a decision should be made on how to proceed on the last day of the fair, it said. Meanwhile, the police and public prosecutor’s office were investigating the precise circumstances that led to the accident.


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