Nutrition – Food safe by 2023 – Economy

The German Farmers’ Association sees food security in Germany secured until 2023, despite the effects of the war in Ukraine. “In my view, the food supply for next year is secured,” said Association President Joachim Rukwied on Friday in a press conference on the effects of the war on agriculture and agricultural markets. The situation is different globally. Ukraine and Russia are important exporters. “The first ships could no longer sail, for example with wheat. They were already loaded. Nobody knows where they are today,” said Rukwied. “We assume that there may be supply bottlenecks, particularly in North Africa, in the Arab region, but also in Asia. These are the main destinations from Ukraine, for example.” In Germany, agriculture and the entire chain of food production are faced with massive cost increases for energy, fuel, fertilizers and logistics problems, the farmers’ association stated on Friday. At the same time, revenues increased. In the coming months, consumers are facing “food price jumps of an unprecedented magnitude”.

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