Nutella, Nusspli and Co .: Which nut and nougat cream is convincing?

There is hardly a child who does not know Nutella: The nut-nougat cream is one of the best-known brands from Ferrero and generates a lot of sales there. According to the Swiss “Handelszeitung”, the spread contributed around 2.2 billion euros to annual sales of 11.6 billion euros in 2019.

Customers continue to use Nutella, although there have long been much cheaper alternatives. But are they good for what? And what exactly is in it? In addition to “ZDF” with the popular chef Nelson Müller, “Tagesspiegel” and Stiftung Warentest also tested various creams.

First of all, the difference on the price tag is enormous: For a no-name cream from the discounter or from the house brand, customers pay around 3.23 euros per kilo. The market leader costs almost twice as much at 6.20 euros per kilo. In which “Daily mirror“Test is the cheapest Nusspli creme at just 1.89 euros per cup. A fine chocolate cream from KaDaWe costs just under 10 euros. But is expensive also better?

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