Nuremberg. Why Gorilla Fritz got beer to assuage grief – Bavaria



“Beer was just as helpful as medicine”

Reading time: 4 mins

The gorilla male Fritz was the star of Nuremberg Zoo for many years. However, the great ape did not only experience good things until his death in August 2018.

(Photo: Nuremberg Zoo)

The Nuremberg gorilla Fritz was once given alcohol to assuage his grief. He also got yellow sausage. Zoo director Dag Encke on the sometimes questionable handling of great apes in zoos.

Interviewed by

Olaf Przybilla, Nuremberg

The free science journalist Jenny von Sperber has submitted a biography about “Fritz”., who died in Nuremberg in 2018 as the oldest gorilla male in Europe at the time. Your book raises questions – which Nuremberg’s zoo director Dag Encke asks in an SZ interview.

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