Nuremberg transport association bans e-scooters on buses and trains – Bavaria

In northern Bavaria, too, e-scooters are no longer allowed to be taken on buses, subways and trams. The Greater Nuremberg Transport Association (VGN) is banning these from now on for safety reasons. The reason is an increased risk of fire and explosion due to the low safety standards for the batteries of electric scooters, the VGN announced on Monday. However, transport is still permitted on regional trains and S-Bahn trains.

In Munich, Augsburg and other cities in Germany, e-scooters are already banned on public transport. E-bikes, electric wheelchairs and senior mobility vehicles are not affected by the ban because, according to the VGN, significantly higher safety standards apply to their batteries.

The VGN includes 22 districts and ten independent cities. This means it covers large parts of northern Bavaria. The VGN is the second largest transport association nationwide.

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