Nuremberg: The process of Söder graffiti is probably in the next round – Bavaria

The trial of a controversial graffiti that is said to have shown the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in a kind of SS uniform is probably entering a new round. The 39-year-old author of the picture has lodged an appeal against a judgment by the district court in Nuremberg, which stipulates a fine of 2,700 euros. This was announced by the Nuremberg justice press office on Wednesday. Previously had the Picture– Newspaper reports.

In the first instance, the district court had considered it proven that the depiction attached to a façade displayed Nazi symbolism overall. The context of the picture also saw a reference to Prime Minister Söder. The court sentenced the sprayer to 90 daily rates for using signs of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations and insults.

The convict had stated that he had been the victim of police violence and that he had expressed this with the picture. He also denied having depicted the prime minister on the graffiti. The representation should show an authority figure. The man’s defense attorney had therefore pleaded for acquittal. After the graffiti became known, the Bavarian State Chancellery filed a criminal complaint.

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