Nuremberg: Jörg Alt is a priest and fights against the system – Bavaria

Nuremberg Jesuit Jörg Alt has long protested against injustice. His fight against the climate crisis radicalized him, now he sticks to the streets and doubts democracy. Encounter with a church rebel.


Thomas Balbier

As we say goodbye, almost a little joy shines on Jörg Alt’s face. When he opens the door of the Nuremberg Jesuit House to accompany the reporter outside, his gaze falls on the mailbox. Inside are a handful of letters. Like a schoolchild before the summer holidays, he jumps down the steps to the garden gate, grabs the post and whirls through gray envelopes and bright advertising brochures. A sigh. “Tough luck!” calls Alt. The expected letter from the police is not among them. “Maybe they forgot me.” He sounds disappointed.

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