Nuremberg: Gunda 2022 pop culture awards – Munich

The Nuremberg Pop Culture Awards 2022 go to Edwin Rosen, Elena Steri, the youth club Schlossäcker and “LiAen”.

One Gunda has been known in Nuremberg for a good 50 years, namely since this market woman brazenly and inflexibly took on the authorities in her day. The other Gunda is relatively new, in 2021 the Nuremberg pop culture prize, named after the Standl rebels, was awarded for the first time. The second prizewinners have now been announced: Stuttgart indie favorite Edwin Rosen (“Newcomer national”), Nuremberg singer-songwriter Elena Steri (“Artist Regional”) and Jugendtreff Schlossäcker (“Cultural Place”) will each receive 1,000 euros. ). The band LiAen receives the newcomer Gunda and thus a performance at the big “Nuremberg Pop Festival” on October 6th, during which the prizes are also awarded.

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