Nuremberg gets a Bratwurtsgasse – Bavaria

Politically correct street names have already been discussed bitterly in many Bavarian municipal and city councils. So far, so ordinary. And yet the latest street naming stands out in Nuremberg, after all, it is about nothing less than an urban cultural asset. The argument for renaming weighs between 20 and 25 grams, is seven to nine centimeters long and, according to the old tradition, includes pork. In short: the Nuremberg sausage.

In fact, Nuremberg’s large and small sausage specialty is to have its own street, according to the municipal transport committee. More precisely: a section of road. The piece between the flea market and the Henkersteg will in future be called Bratwurstgasse. The name will be officially named this Friday, to coincide with the opening of the new Bratwurst Museum in the then new Bratwurstgasse 1. The idea comes from a local radio station, the local CSU unceremoniously – sorry! – was sausage.

A press release from the city council group stated that the Nuremberg bratwurst was very popular both at home and abroad. “We are actively marketing the city with Bratwurstgasse!” An inconsistent one, however, as long as there is not also a gingerbread and a red beer street in Nuremberg.

Getting rid of old names and doing advertising: actually not a bad combination, city councilors troubled by street names might think elsewhere. In any case, Regensburg would find it easy to follow Nuremberg’s example and also to open a Bratwurstgasse. In Schrobenhausen, the asparagus route is almost impossible to find, and in Bamberg, the Schlenkerla route. If you don’t have hyper-local delicacies to offer, you can choose from the classic Bavarian, Franconian or Swabian cuisine such as Spätzlestrasse, Auszogne-Allee, Böfflamott-Brücke, Leberkäs-Platz and Obstler-Kreisel.

Carp trails always go when in doubt, as the view to Adelsdorf (district of Erlangen-Höchstadt) or Neustadt an der Donau (district of Kelheim) shows. And the state capital of Munich should urgently think about renaming one of its most important transport routes in favor of white sausage: Not that anyone is surprised why the wrong sausage specialty is being honored with Frankfurter Allee.

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