Nupes proposes 47 measures against “tax evasion and fraud”

As the government prepares to present its draft budget to the Council of Ministers on September 27, Nupes deputies intend to respond to the executive’s plans against tax fraud and social fraud. With this in mind, they presented on Tuesday a “plan to combat tax evasion and fraud” comprising 47 measures.

The first ambition of Nupes in presenting its work is to “propose a counter-project to the fraud plan of (former Minister of Public Accounts) Gabriel Attal (…), this plan which oscillates between a communication stunt on fraud tax and a hunt for the poor and the unemployed on the issue of social fraud,” explained LFI MP Charlotte Leduc during a press conference at the National Assembly.

Social fraud vs. tax fraud

According to this MP, it is also a question of “reestablishing the truth about the orders of magnitude, and about the reality of the various frauds”, while “the debate too often focuses on fraud in social benefits”.

According to Nupes, the Court of Auditors estimates fraud on social benefits paid by the Family Allowance Fund at 2.5 to 3.2 billion in 2020, and fraud on benefits paid by the Family Allowance Fund at 3 to 4 billion in 2019. ‘Health Insurance. At the same time, tax fraud would represent an amount of 80 to 100 billion euros in 2018, according to an estimate from the Solidaires Finances Publiques union.

Among the most salient proposals from Nupes: the elimination of “unjust and inefficient tax loopholes”; the imputation of the income of a holding company to its real owner in order to be able to submit its income to income tax; the establishment of a universal tax on transnational corporations, so that companies pay the corporate tax corresponding to their activity in France, regardless of the location of their headquarters and subsidiaries.

Nupes wants more resources for the tax administration

The Nupes deputies also demand more resources for the tax administration, with the creation of 4,000 positions during the five-year term “to return to the 2010 workforce”, the hiring of labor inspectors “to better fight against hidden work” , and they recommend “a recruitment plan for 17,000 customs officers” by 2027.

Gabriel Attal presented in May a vast plan against social fraud, with the objective of doubling the number of adjustments by 2027, and a plan against tax fraud particularly targeting “the ultra-rich” and multinationals.

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