Number of doping violations remains high

Before the Winter Olympics
Number of doping violations remains high

There were suspicions of doping against the winner of the 100-meter final in Tokyo, the Italian Marcell Lamont Jacobs (right), but these were not proven

© David J Phillip / DPA

Against the background of the upcoming Winter Olympics in China, the topic of doping has flared up again. Forbidden increases in performance are primarily a problem in weight training, as the Statista chart shows.

In 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recorded 1,912 anti-doping rule violations in professional sport. Although the number of violations is eleven fewer than in the previous year, they remain at a high level overall. As the Statista graphic shows, the values ​​from 2018 and 2019 are well above the average of the previous six years of around 1,830 doping offenses per year. Wada collects over 200,000 samples from professional athletes worldwide each year. Measured against this, the proportion of athletes who have used prohibited substances is negligible.

Before the Olympic Winter Games: number of doping violations remains at a high level

Nevertheless, there are some sports in which the cases are increasing – especially strength sports are affected. In 2019, the doping guidelines were broken most frequently in the bodybuilding scene with 272 registered violations. There are also about 160 violations in weightlifting and another 119 in powerlifting. Athletics took second place with 227 exposed doping offenders, followed by cycling (179 cases), which has long been branded as a doping sport by prominent cases such as Lance Armstrong. In competitions on two-wheelers, illegal attempts are still being made to increase the athletes’ performance with blood thinners and autologous blood, among other things.

tis / Statista

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