Nuclear threat, war crimes, refugees… A look back at 100 days of conflict

Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine had many consequences, whether military, diplomatic, economic or legal. One hundred days after the start of the offensive, the earthquake of the invasion continues to be felt throughout the world. The war decided by the Kremlin has caused tens of thousands of deaths, although it is impossible to obtain a reliable count at the moment. Numerous war crimes have been reported in Ukraine and the city of Boutcha has become a symbol of the martyrdom of civilian populations.

Vladimir Putin had to revise his copy in the face of unexpected resistance from the Ukrainian forces and the Russian military forces returned to the Donbass region after a little over a month of conflict. Beyond the (contempted) borders of Ukraine, the worst war on European soil since World War II has shaken global geopolitics. The Westerners have implemented numerous sanctions against Moscow and sent astronomical aid to kyiv. Norway and Sweden have submitted applications to NATO, they who until then advocated a position of non-alignment.

20 minutes offers you to immerse yourself in video in these first 100 days of war and the main axes of the latter…

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