Nuclear power plant near Zaporischschja: the mayor speaks about the occupation

In the 1970s, the city of Enerhodar was built around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which is now occupied by Russians. Dmytro Orlow is the mayor, he was able to flee to Zaporizhia after the conquest – and reports on dramatic conditions in his hometown.

Dmytro Orlov has been the mayor of Enerhodar – the city by the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant – since November 2020. The 38-year-old nuclear engineer had previously worked at the power plant for ten years. It has been 18 months since Russian troops took Enerhodar and occupied the nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe with a capacity of 5800 megawatts. Orlov was able to flee, he meets for an interview with the star in Zaporizhia.

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