Nuclear power plant in the war: “The situation in Zaporizhia is very serious” – in today’s important podcast

Podcast “important today”
Nuclear power plant between the fronts: “The situation in Zaporizhia is very serious”

“The fact that armed people control the plant and put pressure on the workforce is completely untenable,” says Anna Veronika Wendland, a historian of technology and Eastern Europe.


The situation at the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia is worrying, say the experts at the International Atomic Energy Agency. The fact that they are there is at least a good sign, according to Anna Veronika Wendland, a historian of technology and Eastern Europe.

Russian troops have been occupying the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine since mid-March. In view of this situation, observers from outside worry about a possible nuclear accident. Anna Veronika Wendland has already worked in an identical nuclear power plant in the Ukraine and gets to the point in the 357th episode of the podcast “Today important”: “The situation in Zaporizhia is very serious.”

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency are to remain on the site

This is also the opinion of the experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who have recently been on site and published their report on Tuesday. They report a worrying situation and tanks inside the nuclear power plant. According to Wendland, these are intolerable conditions. Guns and ammunition have no place in such systems. She is also concerned about the psychological pressure that Ukrainian employees are exposed to: “It has become known on various occasions that members of the workforce have disappeared or been arrested. Terror is really being practiced. There are also rumors of torture among the staff.” These circumstances, even if they are partly based on rumours, do not ensure that things run smoothly in any case, as Wendland also knows from her own experience: “The workforce will go to the shift and look after their blocks to the best of their knowledge and belief. But they have tremendous pressure and fear for their relatives, for themselves and also for the plant.” Mistakes can be serious, not only for Ukraine.

“The communications of the Ukrainian government are also contributing to the spiral of fear”

The historian herself used to take to the streets against nuclear power, and today she is one of its more prominent advocates. From her point of view, nuclear power is needed for climate change, as she says in an interview with “today important”. Putin is banking on Germany’s nuclear fear, says Wendland – fear as a weapon of war. However, the Ukrainian government is also involved, says Wendland, whose husband originally comes from Kyiv. But the operation is still regular, albeit massively shut down: “There are still many barriers that stand between the plant and a major accident. But the entire situation in which the plant is is unsustainable and highly dangerous. Because this situation can tip over if certain building blocks are pulled out of the security construct.” This is one of the reasons why IAEA boss Rafael Grossi calls for a protection zone around the nuclear power plant.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

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