Nuclear power: “Fridays for Future” – Neubauer slaps Greta Thunberg! | politics

Atom fission in “Fridays for Future”? |

Is Neubauer slapping climate Greta here?

Will Fridays For Future (FFF) meltdown?

Ironically, nuclear power is causing division among climate activists. Because: While FFF icon Greta Thunberg (19) had spoken out FOR the continued operation of German nuclear power plants, the German FFF leader Luisa Neubauer (26) is now subtly opposed.

That’s what it’s about: At “Maischberger” Klima-Greta had described the anti-nuclear attitude of the Greens as a mistake: “I personally think it’s a bad idea to rely on coal as long as the nuclear power plants are still running.” Thunberg continues : “If they’re already running, I think it would be a mistake to turn them off and turn to coal.”

The fact that climate Greta spoke out in favor of the continued operation of German nuclear power plants was a huge slap for the Greens. They only want to send two nuclear power plants into operation and switch them off in spring 2023.

The big question was: How would the German offshoot of “Fridays For Future” react? What would Luisa Neubauer say about this delicate question? What is more important to her: harmony with Greta – or ideological rejection of nuclear power?

At the Green Party Congress: Climate activist Luisa Neubauer appeared with a yellow X on her chest. It is a well-known symbol of the anti-nuclear movement and is also used by opponents of lignite

Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Rather than directly contradicting Greta, Luisa Neubauer expressed her anti-nuclear stance with a yellow X pinned to her chest. This is a symbol AGAINST the shipment of nuclear waste. And thus also AGAINST nuclear power…

However, the symbol is also used in the protests against lignite mining, especially in the town of Lützerath in North Rhine-Westphalia. There, “FFF” and Neubauer are campaigning against coal-fired power.

Explosive: Although the topic was THE “elephant in space” according to Thunberg’s theses, Neubauer himself said NO word about nuclear power. The German branch of “Fridays For Future”, whose best-known representative is Neubauer, also left a BILD inquiry about whether Greta was right or wrong unanswered.

It would not be the first time that the German “FFF” branch opposed the international umbrella organization. “Fridays For Future International” repeatedly attracts attention with anti-Israel statements, and even regularly sides with Palestinian terrorists and AGAINST the Jewish state. The German climate kids distanced themselves from such statements, but continue to work with the international “FFF” group.

Luisa Neubauer, herself a member of the Greens, held back criticism during her speech at the party conference. At least on the green ones. She sees “that it’s hard and that you’re fighting”. Although she accused the Greens of too much “Realpolitik”, she preferred to shoot at the common political opponent.

“Scholz and Lindner, they are not the reality,” exclaimed Neubauer lyrically. “It’s not Friedrich Merz and his climate populism either.” “The pressure from the right-wing media” is also not the reality. The reality is environmental catastrophes in Pakistan and thousands of heat-related deaths in Europe.

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