Novak Djokovic: Why the superstar is now threatened with sanctions in Serbia after the entry chaos in Australia

The Novak Djokovic case has become more confusing by the day.

The Serb’s positive PCR test in particular is making waves. According to his own statements, Djokovic tested positive for the corona virus on December 16th. He later justified his exemption from compulsory vaccination in Australia.

On the following two days after the test, the World number one but on the road at events – partly without a mask, as shown in the photos. Among other things, Djokovic had an appointment with the French sports newspaper “L’Équipe” on December 18.

“Although I went home after the interview and went into isolation for the prescribed period, on reflection it was a misjudgment and I realize that I should have postponed this commitment,” the Belgrade native later admitted via Twitter .

Prime Minister Brnabic: Sanctions possible

Serbia’s Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, on the other hand, spoke to the “BBC” of a “clear violation” of the isolation rules if the superstar had made a public appearance with knowledge of the infection. “The responsible institutions would then check what the sanctions look like,” the head of state continued.

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the “BBC” quotes Serbian lawyers, which refer to Article 248 of the Criminal Code in Serbia. As a result, if the isolation rules are disregarded, there is a risk of up to three years in prison in the worst case. Such a sentence is unlikely, however.

At the same time, there are also doubts about the authenticity of the positive test of December 16th. An antibody test, which Djokovic referred to the border officials, cannot be found in the affidavit.

Manipulated PCR test at Djokovic?

And things could get more complicated. the “Spiegel” and the IT expert group “Zerforschung” checked the PCR test results and discovered a possible contradiction.

A code containing a “Unix timestamp” can be found on the result document. This information can be used to determine when the respective document was created.

Accordingly, the positive PCR test has a higher “Unix timestamp” than the negative test of December 22nd. When converted, the positive result was not made on December 16 but on December 26. So four days after the negative test.

This assumption has not been proven, it is always explosive – because the tests, the results and the exact dates depend on whether the medical exemption for Djokovic is correct. The record Grand Slam champion in Australia had applied for this and also got it approved.

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Djokovic still has to worry about the Australian Open

This would make it possible to participate in the Australian Open, which begins on January 17th, without vaccination. Another obstacle, the temporary cancellation of his visa, was also eliminated by a court decision by Djokovic.

The 34-year-old is currently preparing for his first round match against Miomir Kecmanovic in Melbourne – if it takes place at all. Because Djokovic still has to fear one thing: that Immigration Secretary Alex Hawke is exercising his rightto revoke the issued visa.

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