Novak Djokovic files legal action against his expulsion from the country

Australian authorities on Wednesday decided to cancel the visa of the world tennis number, saying he had not provided “appropriate evidence” to enter Australia. The player, whose vaccine status has never been formalized, has repeatedly expressed his reservations about the Covid-19 vaccine.

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He doesn’t want to let go. World tennis number one Novak Djokovic has filed a lawsuit against Australian authorities’ decision to cancel his visa and expel him from the country, court officials said on Thursday (January 6th).

A Melbourne judge, Anthony Kelly, will consider at 4 p.m. (6 a.m. KST) the application of the Serb, who has been detained by immigration services in Melbourne since arriving in the country on Wednesday evening with the intention of participating in the ‘Australian Open.

This is the latest episode of a two-day soap opera and the Serbian player’s announcement that he has been granted a medical exemption to travel to Australia despite his uncertain vaccination status and the fact that the country is imposing vaccination to enter its territory. The player has never confirmed that he was not vaccinated against Covid-19 but has repeatedly expressed his reluctance on the subject. Wednesday evening, Greg Hunt, Australian Minister of Health, confirmed that Novak Djokovic did not provide “the appropriate evidence” to enter the country.

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