“Nothing can be excluded”, including a re-containment, to manage the fifth wave of coronavirus according to Gabriel Attal

Put down this package of pasta and this discount coupon for toilet paper right away, this is not an advertisement. Simply, while the fifth wave of coronavirus has now started in France, Gabriel Attal played the prevention card on Saturday evening. Guest on Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé’s show We are in directt on France 2, the spokesperson said that all options were on the table to fight the epidemic, including therefore containment.

“You should never exclude anything on principle. This epidemic continues to surprise the whole world ”he justified. He immediately reassured, however, adding that “for the moment, it is absolutely out of the question to talk about re-containment in our country because we have a very high vaccination rate”. France has in fact a vaccination coverage of 87.3%, much higher than several countries of the European Union, and is leading its booster campaign at a beating rate.

Asked about the report of the Technical Agency for Information on Hospitalization, the government spokesperson admitted that the figure of 2% of hospital attendance in 2020 was “fair” for patients admitted because of coronavirus. But he clarified that “it is an average”, drawing a parallel with the weather: “Last year, it was on average 14 degrees in France and yet there were heat waves and frost. He also recalled that the report also pointed to the existence of moments of saturation in the hospital system.

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