Not just the dead – coroner Class Buschmann on two tragic cases

“Searching for clues”: Season 7 | episode 1
Not just the dead – forensic pathologist Claas Buschmann on two tragic cases

in the star-Crime podcast “Spurensuche” tell investigators and specialists about their most exciting cases. In the first episode of the new season, coroner Claas Buschmann reports on two tragic cases.

“Spurensuche” appears every second Friday at, AudioNow, iTunes and Spotify. Enjoy listening!

How do you catch murderers? Why do people become perpetrators? And what abysses can be in each of us? in the starcrime podcast “Spurensuche” help investigators and specialists to make the at first sight incomprehensible understandable. For the seventh season of the podcast, Andrea Ritter, Bernd Volland, Nicolas Büchse and Giuseppe Di Grazia meet the best experts in Germany, who talk about their most exciting cases and the special challenges of their profession.

“Search for clues” episode 7-1 with forensic pathologist Claas Buschmann

It is well known that forensic doctors can read a lot from the injuries of the dead. But they spend a large part of their work with living people. With victims of violent crimes and with the perpetrators. In this episode of the search for clues starCrime reporter Bernd Volland with the Kiel forensic pathologist Claas Buschmann about an area of ​​his work that is rarely in the public eye, but no less exciting and sometimes stressful.

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