North Sea fishing – more herring, less plaice – economy

German North Sea fishermen will only be allowed to catch fewer plaice and saithe in the future. Compared to last year, the quantities for plaice will drop by ten percent to 4539 tons and for saithe by 25 percent to 4307 tons for 2022. Far more herring can be fished for this: The total amount allowed increases to 41 155 tons, which corresponds to an increase of 22 percent. The new Federal Agriculture Minister, Cem Özdemir, spoke of a balanced compromise. He would only have wished for “a somewhat more ambitious approach” with regard to cod in the North Sea. The background to the talks at EU level is that a balance has to be found as to how many animals can be caught each year without endangering the stocks. The EU negotiations on catch quotas have traditionally been difficult. In addition to the North Sea, parts of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea were also on the agenda.

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