North Korea announces that it is over with the pandemic and threatens Seoul with reprisals

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un proclaimed, on Wednesday August 10, a “brilliant victory” on Covid-19, after almost two weeks without a new officially registered case.

Chairing a meeting with health personnel and scientists, Kim Jong-un welcomed this ” victoire (…) in the war against the malignant pandemic disease »according to the official KCNA news agency. “The victory won by our people is a historic event that once again showed the world the greatness of our state, the indomitable tenacity of our people and the beautiful national customs of which we are proud”added the North Korean leader, quoted by the agency.

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Meanwhile, Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un’s influential sister, accused Seoul of causing the Covid-19 outbreak in her country. She attacked the sending of propaganda leaflets by balloon from South Korea, speaking of ” crime against humanity “the official KCNA news agency reported.

Despite a ban imposed in 2021, South Korean activists continue to send balloons containing leaflets and dollar bills, sparking protests from Pyongyang. North Korea had previously accused “foreign things” close to the border with the South of having caused the Covid epidemic in this isolated country, allegations rejected by Seoul.

Kim Jong-un infected with Covid-19

Mme Kim said many countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) have recognized “the danger of spreading an infectious disease by coming into contact with contaminated objects”according to the article. “It is very worrying that South Korea is sending leaflets, money, brochures and dirty objects to our region”, she added. Kim Yo-jong warned that Pyongyang was considering “strong retaliation”adding that, if the balloons continued, “we will respond by eradicating, not only the virus, but also the South Korean authorities”.

Seoul assured in June that there was no “no officially verified cases of Covid infection by mail or through material”. South Korea’s unification ministry rejected “baseless allegations” and the “rude and threatening comments” from Pyongyang.

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According to his sister, Kim Jong-un contracted the Covid-19. The manager “suffered from high fevers during the days of this quarantine war, but he could not lie down for a moment because he was thinking of the people for whom he was responsible”, she said. It is the first time that Pyongyang has announced that Mr. Kim, whose health is the object of the greatest attention by observers, has been infected with the coronavirus.

Under-equipped hospitals

North Korea, one of the first countries in the world to close its borders in January 2020 after the virus emerged in neighboring China, has long boasted of its ability to guard against the virus.

Read also: The spread of Covid-19 in North Korea angers Kim Jong-un

Pyongyang announced its first case of coronavirus on May 12 and Kim Jong-un has taken the fight against the epidemic personally in hand. Since July 29, Pyongyang has reported no new cases. North Korea has recorded nearly 4.8 million infections since the end of April, with only 74 deaths, an official case fatality rate of 0.002%, according to KCNA. Experts, including the WHO, are skeptical of Pyongyang’s health statistics and its control of the outbreak.

The country’s hospitals are notoriously under-equipped, with few intensive care units and no coronavirus treatment or vaccine available, experts say. Neighboring South Korea, which has an efficient health system and a high vaccination rate among its population, has a case fatality rate of 0.12%, according to official figures.

The World with AFP

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