Nord Stream Pipelines: No Joint Investigations |


Status: 14.10.2022 1:00 p.m

Who is responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines? Sweden, Denmark and Germany wanted to conduct the investigation together. But after ARD-Information will not come of it. Meanwhile, the federal police took the first photos.

By Michael Götschenberg, ARD Capital Studio

Sweden, Denmark and Germany actually wanted to investigate the destruction of the pipelines together and find out who is responsible. But that’s not the case now. As the ARD-Capital Studio found out in government circles that there is no longer a joint investigative team. First, Sweden said goodbye to the so-called Joint Investigation Team (JIT) – and then Denmark. The Swedes are said to have expressed concerns about secrecy. Now each country is investigating for itself.

Last weekend, the federal police set off with several ships, some provided by the German Navy, to assess and document the extent of the damage to the pipelines. Divers and explosives experts from the Federal Police were also there. However, the divers were not killed on site because they do not have the necessary equipment for a dive at a depth of 70 meters.

A leak eight meters in diameter

On the other hand, the investigators managed to take photos with a Bundeswehr underwater drone that show the extent of the destruction. As the ARD-Capital Studio in government circles, a leak of eight meters in diameter can be seen on it. This, it is said, could only be the result of an explosives explosion. Overall, the two pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 were destroyed in four places, each pipeline has two holes. Both pipelines have two strands. Only one strand of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is still intact.

The Federal Police handed the photos over to the Federal Public Prosecutor, who a few days ago opened an investigation into “causing an explosive device explosion”, “anti-constitutional sabotage” and the “particular importance of the case”. The Federal Public Prosecutor commissioned both the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Police Office to carry out further investigations.

Detonations registered by seismologists

The pipelines were destroyed in the early hours of September 26th. The explosions were so strong that they were also registered by seismologists. Experts assume that several hundred kilograms of explosives were required for this. The holes are located in the Swedish and Danish exclusive economic zones.

Although the pipelines were not in operation at the time of the explosions, large amounts of gas were still inside, which leaked through the holes into the sea and was clearly visible on the surface. Very quickly it was considered certain that it was a matter of targeted sabotage.

Who was it?

The question, however, is who is responsible for it. So far there is no evidence, only conjecture. The Federal Government has so far avoided a public determination. The Kremlin denies destroying the pipelines itself.

In addition to Germany, Sweden and Denmark, the Americans are also conducting their own investigations. What Russia is doing is unclear. It seems certain that there is a real race for evidence that may be on the seabed.

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