Nord Stream 2: Schwesig is not allowed to wind up the foundation – that’s not enough for Sellering – politics

For two years, Manuela Schwesig tried to get rid of the climate foundation that she helped create to complete the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. That failed – but that’s not enough for her opponent Erwin Sellering.

Next to “Döner 53”, opposite Schwerin’s main train station, is the office of what is probably Germany’s most controversial foundation: “Climate and Environmental Protection MV”. For two years, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s state government tried to completely wind down the foundation because of its Nord Stream 2 past. Recently, there has been clarity, approved by the state parliament: Legally, this is practically impossible. “We hope that the hostility from politics will now permanently end,” says managing director Christin Klinger. At least ministers now dared to be photographed with the climate team during projects.

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