Nockherberg in Munich: Double from Mayor Dieter Reiter in an interview – Munich

Gerhard Wittmann is Dieter Reiter, at least once a year he goes to the Nockherberg. What he thinks of the Mayor of Munich, how political a Singspiel can be – and whether there are prompters when it comes to lyrics.

Gerhard Wittmann is the perfect Dieter Reiter double on the Nockherberg. With his distinctive nose and mischievous eyes, the actor looks quite similar to the mayor of Munich, even without the blonde-gray wig. The 59-year-old Wittmann has been on stage in the role of mayor at the Singspiel since 2015. Wittmann speaks Bavarian, which he has proven for years in the role of Leopold Eberhofer in the Rita Falk film adaptations and as an investigator in the crime series “Laim”.

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