No, TousAntiCovid is not “the most downloaded French application in history”

Cédric O. The TousAntiCovid application is today “a priori the most downloaded French application in history”, is a French success that Cédric O.
advanced the Secretary of State for Digital, guest of the France Info channel.

According to Cédric O, “a little less than 50 million connected phones or watches” have this application installed, which makes it possible in particular to record vaccination certificates. The application had also been launched to make it possible to contact tracing by activating the phone’s Bluetooth. If you test positive, the idea is to notify people you have met by telling them that they are in contact. A feature that has struggled to convince the French.


Like spotted it the ethical hacker Baptiste Robert, another French application has many more downloads on Google Play, the Android application store: it is the VLC video player, well known with its cone-shaped icon. The application
account more than 100 million downloads, double the number announced by Cédric O for TousAntiCovid.

VLC is a French project, which was launched in 1996 at the Ecole Centrale Paris, which has since become CentraleSupéléc.

As another internet user noted, Paris-based video game company Voodoo has made games that are more popular than the government app. Thus, the game Helix Jump account more than 100 million downloads from the Google catalog.

The TousAntiCovid app, however, does better than other foreign government apps. That of the Spanish government has not been downloaded than 5 million times, but it only allows contact tracing. That of the NHS, the British health system,
encounter a little more successful, with 10 million downloads, just like that of the Italian Ministry of Health, which again,
does not allow than to follow contact cases and not to present a vaccination or test certificate.

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