No, the vaccine is not experimental

More than 2,000 cases of monkeypox have been detected worldwide, and the outbreak has been classified as an international emergency. Treatments and a vaccine exist. But for some Internet users, receiving this new injection would be like participating in a clinical trial. And it would even be the World Health Organization that would say so.

According to a widely shared article on social media, WHO Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness Unit Chief Tim Nguyen reportedly said: “I would like to highlight one thing that is very important to WHO. We have uncertainty about the effectiveness of these vaccines because they have not been used in this setting and on this scale before. »

As an air of deja vu as the debates were similar during the marketing of vaccines against Covid-19. “We are free guinea pigs for them”, launches a user. “The government fails to tell us that these bites are not reliable by asking us to get bitten!! “, protested another. Has the WHO really claimed that getting vaccinated against monkeypox is like taking part in a clinical trial? 20 minutes make the point.


The article quoted by Internet users is based on a video of a press conference. “I would like to point out something that is very important for the WHO, we have uncertainties about the effectiveness of these vaccines, because they have not been used in this context and on this scale before”, affirms the man during his speech. Then, a cut can be seen in the video, before he continues: “When these vaccines are under development, they are delivered within the framework of clinical trial studies and the prospective collection of these data to increase our understanding of the effectiveness of these vaccines. »

It would be a shortcut to say that by this quote we can understand that getting vaccinated against monkeypox is like participating in a clinical trial. On behalf of the WHO, he does speak of the development phase and a new collection of data. As with the vaccines against Covid-19, data is collected throughout the vaccinations. It is important, even once marketed, to monitor the effects and developments of these products.

On the subject the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is very clear: “There is an authorized vaccine against monkeypox in the EU, Imvanex, and it is not an experimental vaccine. ” Indeed, Imvanex vaccine is licensed to protect adults against smallpox and monkeypox, and is marketed as Jynneos in the United States.

“Since July 25, 2022, the Imvanex vaccine has obtained European marketing authorization (MA) for the indication of active immunization against Monkeypox in adults”, indicates the information site on government vaccines. “This new indication has been added to the existing authorization of Imvanex against smallpox, which has been in place in the EU since 2013”, explains the EMA to 20 minutes.

In addition, as she explained last February: “Once a drug has obtained marketing authorization from a regulatory authority, it can no longer be considered an investigational product. »

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