No, the state will not become co-owner of all the built land

Soon you will no longer be the sole owners of your home. The state will be the co-owner, according to the messages circulating on social networks in recent days. “To erase the debt of France, the organization France Strategy proposes that the State become co-owner of all the land built in France”, writes a user.

Proof, a BFMTV article published in 2017 and entitled: “And if the State became co-owner of all the land built in France? “It is explained there:” In a note published this Wednesday, the reflection organization France Strategy makes an explosive proposal: so that the State can reduce its debt, it should become co-owner of all the land built in France. Landlords would then have to pay him part of the rents they receive. ” What is it really ? 20 minutes make the point. Spoiler: no, the government of Elisabeth Borne has not yet opted for the communist version of property.


This rumor has been circulating periodically on social networks since the publication of this BFMTV article in October 2017. At that time, France Strategy, an organization at the service of the Prime Minister in order to determine the main orientations and objectives for France, wrote a note that develops several tracks in order to ensure the absorption of public debts in the euro zone. The various proposals do not only concern France, but all the countries of the euro zone.

The first track consists in the States of the euro zone undertaking to support a country if the latter makes the necessary efforts to improve its budgetary situation. The second track proposes a purchase of the debt by the European Central Bank. And finally the third evokes the introduction of an “exceptional tax on residential real estate capital”, and proposes to increase taxation by creating a new tax on residential real estate. It is to this proposal that Internet users refer.

A line of thought criticized by the government itself

It is therefore well written in the note from France Stratégie that “the State decrees that it becomes co-owner of all residential built land, up to a fixed fraction of their value, and that this new right of ownership is henceforth non-transferable “. It was even specified that in the event that the owner chooses not to pay this sum, “the share of the land owned by the State would increase each year”. But this was only a line of thought issued by the organization with the aim of making the debt more sustainable.

The authors had also sensed that this proposal was going to be strongly criticized. They immediately clarified in the document that “the opinions expressed engage their authors and are not intended to reflect the position of the government”. They defended themselves, in particular by explaining: “In addition, because it would affect the wealthiest households more, which on average have a high proportion to save their income, the short-term impact of this transfer on consumption would be weak. »

Beyond the French wishing to buy or already owning built land, the government itself has criticized this track aimed at increasing the taxation of owners. As soon as it was published in 2017, the entourage of the Prime Minister at the time, Edouard Philippe, explained: “France Strategy has got into the habit of publishing unrealistic ideas without any political impetus. »

Property is protected by the Constitution

If this false information circulates again in 2023, it is because of a series of measures on housing, and announced on June 5th. But even today, there is no question of the State becoming co-owner of all built land. The points raised are articulated around two axes : allow access to housing for all French people, and unblock the creation of new housing, while respecting the imperative of ecological transition. On the program: guarantee access to home loans, in particular by relaxing certain rules and by extending and transforming the zero-rate loan, accelerating action for the thermal renovation of housing by simplifying MaPrimeRénov, etc.

And contrary to the assertions of Internet users, no bill allowing the State to become co-owner should be examined in the Senate soon. Because in any case, the property is protected by the Constitution. Article 17 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizenattached to the Constitution, provides that “property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one can be deprived of it, except when public necessity, legally established, obviously requires it and under the condition of a just and prior compensation”.

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