No placement under electronic bracelet for the husband, who remains in detention

Incarcerated for more than a year at the Seysses remand center, Cédric Jubillar, suspected of having killed his wife Delphine in December 2020, has just had his new request for release rejected. A decision which goes in the direction of the requisitions of the parquet floor of Toulouse, which confirms to 20 minutes the decision of the judge of freedoms and detention (JLD).

For the first time since the indictment of the 35-year-old plasterer for “murder of a spouse”, his placement under an electronic bracelet had been considered, the judge having commissioned a feasibility study within the framework of a house arrest under electronic surveillance .

For several months, his lawyers have indicated that one of his acquaintances is ready to accommodate him, outside the Tarn department. And more than once, they asked that this feasibility study be done.

This had never been the case, until the judge of freedoms ordered it recently. Members of the penitentiary integration and probation service therefore went to the site to find out if the accommodation was suitable for setting up this system, an alternative measure to pre-trial detention. And they expressed reservations after their visit to this small collective comprising a commercial premises on the ground floor and two apartments on the first floor.

“They visited it in the presence of a member of the owner’s family, so they can’t be in the wrong apartment. They indicate in their report that there is rubble in the accommodation, that it is not habitable and say that they are very reserved about the sustainability of the project. But this is the second apartment they are talking about. We have added photos and it is perfectly habitable, ”says Jean-Baptiste Alary, one of Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers.

Jubillar before the investigating judges on Friday

In a few days, the three defenders should plead on appeal before the investigating chamber this new rejection of their client’s request for release. Until now, it has always confirmed the JLD’s decision, relying in particular on article 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, taking up the arguments for the preservation of evidence or material clues “necessary for the manifestation of the truth”. . The continuation of the investigations can also be an argument for continued detention, which can sometimes continue until the referral to the assizes and the trial of the person charged.

The latest analyzes of the telephone network, added to the file this summer, and which indicate that Delphine’s telephone would not have left the perimeter of the housing estate, or even the marital home, on the night of her disappearance, could be a new asset for Crown. Whereas for the defence, these expertises “do not change anything” and are not 100% reliable.

Elements that will certainly be addressed this Friday in the office of the investigating judges in charge of this file. Cédric Jubillar is indeed once again summoned to be questioned by the Toulouse magistrates responsible for this case.

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