No, Pfizer does not threaten to file a complaint against those vaccinated in intensive care

A false alarm. A message relayed nearly a thousand times on Twitter “alert” on the pharmaceutical group Pfizer, at the heart of all attention since distributing its vaccine against Covid-19. “Pfizer could file a complaint against the vaccinated in real life [nimation] for damage to the image of the company ”, we read in this tweet published by an anonymous account.

The Internet user behind the account wants as proof a confirmation message from an account called “Pfizer France”.

No, Pfizer does not plan to file a complaint against those vaccinated in intensive care. – Twitter screenshot


Contacted by 20 minutes, the laboratory confirms that this is “fake news”. “Pfizer has no intention of filing a complaint against people vaccinated in intensive care for damage to the image of the company,” developed a representative of the group. The health of patients is our top priority and we hope that all those currently treated for Covid-19 will recover as soon as possible. “

As for the Pfizer France Twitter account, it is not affiliated with the American laboratory. This is a parody account, as his biography indicates.

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