No, Maeva Ghennam was not contacted by La France Insoumise

Maeva Ghennam proposed to join as a “politchik” alongside the man she calls “Melonchon”? In a story published on her Snapchat account this Wednesday, the influencer from Dubai explained that she had been contacted “very seriously” by political parties, notably La France Insoumise (LFI). “Honestly, I’m thinking about it.”

Since this announcement, the video has caused an uproar on social networks. “This girl is one of the most violent, vulgar, communitarian “stars” of trash television. All that was missing from the National Assembly was that. But what a hell of a move to mobilize their electorate,” says an Internet user on X. However, there is a strong chance that this statement is false.


At La France Insoumise, the video surprised but was quickly denied by the party. “She was never contacted,” affirm the Insoumis to 20 minutes. On digital campaigns manager Bastien Parisot adds a layer: “No need to get carried away. The Insoumis did not contact her.”

For her part, Maeva Ghennam did not respond to our requests to understand who had contacted her and the subject of the message. On her Instagram story, the influencer announced that she would not respond to any journalist. According to her, these requests would serve to harm the political party and put them “in the way”. “You can imagine that it was not his party or Mélenchon who called me to get into politics. They were not the ones who contacted me, but I support them,” she said in the video before adding that she would vote for the party in question.

A recurring blow

For the Insoumis clan, one thing is certain: “She must do the same thing as for the presidential election”. Indeed, if Maeva Ghennam had called to vote for Emmanuel Macron for the 2022 presidential election, this is not the influencer’s first appearance on LFI. In November 2023, Maeva Ghennam also said she had been contacted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s office. “I’m like, ‘What else is there?’ », she said, once again in story.

But, more than a proposal, this call from La France Insoumise would have been a mark of support after the death threats suffered by the former candidate on social networks. After taking a stand for Palestine and against Israel, Maeva Ghenman was the victim of a digital raid and a complaint was filed for online hatred, notably after sending a photo of a missile with the inscription following: “Dedication to Maeva Ghennam and her little darlings”.

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