No internal sanctions, announces the boss of M6

The flagship host of M6 Stephane Plaza, accused of domestic violence, will remain on the air, announced Monday evening the boss of the channel Nicolas de Tavernost, the investigation carried out internally having led to “no element” justifying a sanction.

“We commissioned an internal investigation inside M6 with all the people who work with Stéphane Plaza. The same thing was done at (the audiovisual production giant) Médiawan. These two investigations did not provide any evidence that would justify a sanction against Stéphane Plaza,” declared Nicolas de Tavernost on BFM Business this Monday evening.

“Even, on the contrary, his colleagues rather support him,” he clarified, confirming that the star host, whose shows have continued to be broadcast despite requests for deprogramming from feminist activists, is doing well. “stay on the air”.

An investigation into domestic violence opened

In an investigation published at the end of September, the Mediapart information site, citing the testimonies of three of the host’s ex-partners, explains having “brought together numerous elements and stories testifying to mistreatment by the real estate agent popularized by M6 on three of his companions: humiliation, threats, verbal and, for two of them, physical violence.”

An investigation into domestic violence was immediately opened against the host, who formally contests these accusations. “It is not up to us to replace the police or the courts in making a decision,” underlined Nicolas de Tavernost. “These are subjects that we always look at with great caution, particularly these subjects of domestic violence. We are extremely attentive both internally and externally.”

Initially a real estate agent, Stéphane Plaza became a star of the small screen when M6 propelled him in 2006 to the head of the show “Research apartment or house” then “Maison à vente” (2007) and “Chasseurs d’ apartment” (2015). Regularly named the French’s favorite presenter, he is one of the sure values ​​of M6, bringing together several million viewers with his various programs. In January 2022, the M6 ​​group became the majority shareholder of its network of real estate agencies which has some 660 franchises across France.

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