No health pass (yet) for large shopping centers

No pass to shop. It was on Tuesday that the obligation to present a health pass was to come into force to go hanging out in the aisles of large shopping centers in the Nord department. That the unvaccinated followers of these places be reassured, the measure is suspended.

The directors and customers of the 19 shopping centers concerned in the department can take their breath away, the new prefect of the North, Georges François Leclerc, has decided to “reassess” the sanitary measures, unveiled last Friday, concerning commercial areas of more than 20,000m2.

A measure suspended and not canceled

In view of “the evolution of the health situation in the form of a descending plateau”, the representative of the State therefore cancels, for the moment at least, the obligation to present a health pass to access these places. In the same logic, the prefect also suspends the obligation to wear a mask in places or events already subject to the health pass.

However, these two measures could very well be brought up to date depending on the evolution of the health situation, which is the subject of “careful consideration”. If factors such as the pressure on the healthcare system were to deteriorate, the representative of the State would only have to press the button.

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