No “golden parachute” for Guillaume Meurice, Philippe Poutou falls in Aude

Three weeks of blitzkrieg campaigning began before the first round of legislative elections on June 30 and then the second on July 7. Didn’t you follow all the twists and turns of this Friday, five days after the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron? Today,

The number of the day

409.226. The number of proxies made over the past week in order to vote during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. This is six times more than during the 2022 legislative elections over the same period, the Interior Ministry said on Monday.

In total, 1,020,000 proxies were given during the first round of legislative elections in 2022.

Sentence of the day

“You, you look good!” But we will have to tell the President to keep his mouth shut! » »

The tasty exchange between a resident of Perreux-sur-Marne and Gabriel Attal, this Monday, delighted the journalists present. Coming to support the outgoing deputy for the 5th constituency of Val-de-Marne, Mathieu Lefèvre, the Prime Minister was questioned by a man with hair. His response “these are the legislative elections, we are voting for the Prime Minister” was greeted with “good luck” punctuated by “it’s to you that I say good luck, not to pffffft…”

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Today’s trend

Today, we’re talking to you about parachuting. A sport that Jack Lang notably practiced, after success in Loir-et-Cher, he tried his luck in Pas-de-Calais, with success, and in the Vosges, without success. Philippe Poutou submitted his candidacy in Aude, 330 km from Bordeaux, where he is a municipal councilor. “A humiliation” for Aurélien Turchetto of the Radical Left Party (PRG). The vice-president of Carcassonne Agglo explains that he refuses the candidacy of Poutou, “anti-republican, anti-parliamentary”, he deplores. “A man targeted by an investigation for advocating terrorism who on October 7 shocked the entire country by refusing to condemn the Hamas attack. Position it at home, in Trèbes, where the victims of terrorism from the 2018 tragedy and Colonel Arnaud Beltrame lie…”

No golden parachute for Guillaume Meurice. Just fired from Radio France, the comedian was reportedly surveyed by LFI to be a candidate in the 1st district of Ille-et-Vilaine, according to La Lettre. Established in Rennes, he would have refused. It was ultimately Marie Mesmeur, a candidate from Finistère, who landed in the constituency in place of the outgoing rebellious deputy Frédéric Mathieu. According to information from La Lettre, the latter would be the partner of MP Louis Boyard.

In Strasbourg, Etienne Loos, 25, who worked in ministries and with the former mayor of the city Fabienne Keller as deputy, was invested by Renaissance. Although he studied in Strasbourg, he was chosen over Nicolas Matt, municipal councilor and vice-president of the Eurométropole. A regular on this ground. If he took “note of this sidelining”, on Facebook, in his message he spoke of “tinkering” and “compromises”, reports The latest news from Alsace.

Last week, we learned of the parachuting of Guillaume Bigot, columnist on CNews, in Doubs, “to help the RN win”.

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