No evidence of attack on Augsburg AfD politician Jurca – Bavaria

More than six months after the attack on the Augsburg AfD politician Andreas Jurca, the public prosecutor’s office has stopped the investigation against two young men. The suspicion against the two men “could not be substantiated with objective evidence,” said a spokesman for the Augsburg public prosecutor’s office on Friday. The DNA found at Jurca could not be assigned to the two men. In addition, the analysis of cell phone data gave no indication that the two could have been at the crime scene at the time of the crime. First they had Augsburger Allgemeine reported the termination of the investigation.

When asked, the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office emphasized that the inconclusive end of the proceedings did not mean that an attack on Jurca never took place. There is simply not enough evidence to suggest that the two people who have since been accused could be the attackers. The search of the two suspects’ apartments did not change this.

There were also no witnesses to the incident – apart from Jurca and another injured party. There are therefore currently no leads that the investigators could pursue further. Because the alleged perpetrators have not yet been identified, the background to the crime remains unclear, said the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office.

After the incident, the AfD faction announced that Jurca’s work at the time as an employee of the AfD parliamentary group in Munich was apparently the background for the attack. According to the parliamentary group, Jurca described at the time that he had been approached by a group of young men about his candidacy for the state parliament for the AfD. When he answered in the affirmative, he was immediately put down. Jurca has been sitting for the AfD in the Maximilianeum since October 30, 2023.

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