No EU summit with Putin: Kremlin regrets cancellation from Brussels

Status: 25.06.2021 4:56 p.m.

Moscow regrets the cancellation of a summit between the EU and Russia – after all, this would have been an opportunity to reduce tensions. The Kremlin warned of a vicious circle.

The Russian government regrets the EU’s cancellation of the summit meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskow was surprised that the young EU member states of all people are most vehemently against it. Countries like Poland or the Baltic states, for example, which most often complain about an alleged threat from Russia for no reason.

“Exactly these countries are doing everything possible to station as many NATO troops as possible, especially from the USA, on their territory. This creates a vicious circle pose a greater danger and refuse to enter into dialogue, “said the Kremlin spokesman.

Kremlin: Remain open to dialogue

This is illogical behavior, continues Peskow – and also disadvantageous for future prospects. But that should rather be the concern of the EU. There were many differences of opinion in Brussels, and the rhetoric was often emotional.

Peskov emphasized that Russia continues to hope that the countries that are in favor of a dialogue with Moscow will prevail in the long term. Putin remains interested in re-establishing the working relationship between Brussels and Moscow.

Franco-German proposal failed

France and Germany had proposed to their EU partners that they hold a summit with Putin, surprising many member states. Many EU countries expressed concerns about such a dialogue. The Baltic states, among others, reacted negatively.

The last EU-Russia summit took place seven years ago. Because of the Russian annexation of Crimea and Moscow’s support for the separatists in the war in eastern Ukraine, the meetings were subsequently suspended.

Moscow regrets the EU’s cancellation of summit meetings with Putin

Stephan Laack, WDR, June 25, 2021 4:29 p.m.

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