No, ‘disease X’ is not an upcoming outbreak ‘created by WHO’

“That’s it, it’s happening, the pandemic is coming. It’s not me who says it, it’s the WHO who warns us […] What will this pandemic be like? I am not Nostradamus. We are talking about an X disease, we have been talking about it for three years now, like everything is planned in advance, ”says a user in a TikTok video. He even claims that it will be more deadly than the Covid-19. And to add: “The big problem with this disease which is coming, this pandemic which is going to be planned once again, […] it’s organized with the biolabs, it’s done in the laboratory. »

This Internet user also claims that a “global health dictatorship” is coming, since according to him the WHO will be the only organization to decide “in place of all the nations and all the countries of the world, all health measures”, sub- heard mandatory vaccination and such. The news is massively taken up on social networks. Florian Philippot, who distinguished himself for his opposition to the health strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic, also talks about it. This June 6, he again mentioned “the” disease X “invented by the WHO in 2018”. Where does this misinformation come from? 20 minutes explains to you.


But what is this famous “disease X” that internet users are talking about? If the latter claim that it is a virus created from scratch in laboratories, for the sole purpose of better controlling populations, obviously it is not. Where is she from ? It appears on the website of the World Health Organization in a list of “priority diseases”, established from a tool of the organization which distinguishes the diseases which present the greatest risk for public health “due to their epidemic potential and/or the absence or insufficiency of countermeasures”.

This famous list can be found more specifically on the dedicated page “for research and development in emergency contexts”. The objective is to prepare as well as possible for the various risks by studying diseases and establishing strategies. This “disease X has been used for a long time”, explains the World Health Organization to 20 minutes. And to add that it “represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogenic agent currently unknown to cause human disease”.

When it was added to the list in 2018, the WHO clarified that the aim was not to terrify “but to ensure that the international health community is ready to tackle all forms of threats, foreseeable and unforeseeable”. It is therefore, in addition to preparing for the diseases that are known today, to be ready to face new ones that are still unknown. So there is no invention with the aim of contaminating and controlling the world, on the part of the WHO.

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