No, caregivers did not have the device removed in a hospital

The week could hardly have started better for opponents of the health measures taken by the government to fight against Covid-19. Many of them are indeed delighted, on social networks, of a supposed triumph in Martinique.

“The health pass has been canceled at the Trinité hospital in Martinique”, rejoices a viral tweet. The director of the establishment would have suspended him “in the face of resistance from caregivers”, continues the publication accompanied by images of demonstrators chanting “Freedom! Freedom ! ” in the middle of the street.

But if these images were filmed in Martinique on the first day of the entry into force of the health pass in establishments open to the public in the department, Monday, October 11, they in no way mean that the presentation of a QR code for caregivers and patients seen for a consultation has been suspended.


The video in question has originally published on the Facebook page of the UGTM Santé union which relayed, on October 11, the images of the multiple mobilizations organized near various hospitals on the island,
of them of them having been filmed near the CHUM Louis Domergue La Trinité. Contacted by 20 minutes, the UGTM Santé union had not responded to our requests before the publication of the article.

As relate our colleagues from La Première, and as one of the demonstrators seen in the viral video shouts (“Today is a special day and it will be so until further notice. No health pass control, especially by people not authorized to do so. effect! ”, at 1’45), this movement is supposed to continue until the withdrawal of the health pass in local hospitals.

However, the mobilization was still relevant on Tuesday, October 12, reports La Première. Contacted by 20 minutes, the Martinique University Hospital told us that day that “the installation of the health pass is trying to be implemented on all sites by the general management” and that “the first three days of control of the health pass are intended to be above all for educational purposes. “

” The law is the law “

In an internal note, that 20 minutes was able to consult, the CHU explains to its staff that the checks “for educational purposes” will take place from October 11 to 13, before the health pass is checked “in accordance with legal provisions”. The document also recalls that the vaccine will become compulsory for healthcare workers from October 24 for the first dose and from November 14 for the second.

The meeting of October 11 between the director of the Martinique University Hospital, Benjamin Garel, and the various union representatives therefore did not result in the withdrawal of the health pass, but simply a reminder, by the director, of the possibility of carrying out an antigen test. to comply with the health pass.

“The law is the law, it was voted by the elected people of the people”, also affirmed the Benjamin Garel during this meeting, partly filmed in a report of La Première. If 71% of liberal health professionals in Martinique are vaccinated, according to the latest figures from the ARS, “however, no specific data has been communicated concerning the vaccination of staff in hospitals and nursing homes, which represent more than 80% health professionals ”from the island, as La Première reminds us.

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