night of violence Compiègne, an injured policeman

Another night of violence in Compiègne (Oise). Two police officers were injured during the night from Thursday to Friday during a patrol in the Clos des roses district, an area known to host drug trafficking, learns 20 minutes police source. “Are starting to hit the body,” prosecutor Marie-Céline Lawrysz told AFP.

The facts begin around 10:30 p.m., when “about fifteen individuals dressed in black” approach a police vehicle occupied by three police officers and “start hitting the body,” prosecutor Marie-Céline told AFP. Lawrysz. A police officer then throws a tear gas canister, but it is returned by an attacker into the cabin, she continued. The impact burns a police officer in the thigh, who has been prescribed 6 days of ITT.

CRS in reinforcement

The police manage to extricate themselves from the vehicle, in which the gas is spreading, but a policewoman injures her ankle in the action, resulting in a one-month ITT. According to Marie-Céline Lawrysz, individuals then rush on the empty vehicle and degrade it, in particular by breaking the windows with iron bars.

At around 1 a.m., police officers from CRS 8 – a unit capable of moving very quickly to any point in the territory – were sent to reinforce the scene. As they try to control three fleeing vehicles, one of them rushes towards an official who uses his weapon once. The vehicle will be found without an occupant. The drivers of the other two vehicles were arrested. Calm returned around 3 a.m. An investigation has been opened.

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