Niger: Appointed President appeals to world community – Politics

Just over a week after the coup d’état in Niger, the West African country’s incumbent President Mohamed Bazoum issued an urgent appeal to the international community to save the “last bastion of respect for human rights” in the Sahel. “This attempted coup is a tragedy for Nigerians, but its success would have devastating consequences far beyond our borders,” warned Bazoum in a guest post for the Washington Post.

The democratically elected Bazoum was arrested last week in Niger by officers of the Presidential Guard and declared disempowered. The commander of the elite unit, General Omar Tchiani, subsequently proclaimed himself the new ruler. Shortly thereafter, the putschists suspended the constitution and dissolved all constitutional institutions.

After military coups in Mali and Burkina Faso since 2020, Niger became the last of the three neighboring countries in the Sahel to be led by a democratically elected government. “I’m writing this as a hostage,” Bazoum said in the Washington Post. “Niger is under attack by a military junta trying to overthrow our democracy, and I am just one of hundreds of citizens who have been arbitrarily and illegally imprisoned,” the president wrote.

The coup against his government has no justification whatsoever. If it succeeds, it will have consequences for the entire world. His government came to power in democratic elections in 2021. Any attempt to overthrow a legitimate government must be stopped, Bazoum said. He appreciates the clear condemnation of “this cynical attempt to undermine the remarkable progress that Niger has made as a democracy.” The United States, the African and European Unions, and the West African community of nations, Ecowas, have all spoken out loud and clear.

Evacuation flights from Niger partially completed

In this emergency, he is now calling on the US government and the entire world community to help his country restore constitutional order, Bazoum continued. Only by defending common values ​​such as democracy and respect for the rule of law can progress be made in the fight against poverty and terror. His country is at a turning point in its history.

Many countries have now flown their citizens out of Niger and issued travel warnings. On Friday night, a Bundeswehr plane with about 30 civilians and soldiers landed in Wunstorf, Lower Saxony. France has already completed its evacuation flights.

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