Nicole Kidman and Jamie Lee Curtis: Hollywood stars play sisters

Nicole Kidman and Jamie Lee Curtis
Hollywood stars play sisters

Nicole Kidman (l.) And Jamie Lee Curtis star together in a new series.

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Nicole Kidman and Jamie Lee Curtis are starring in a new Amazon series. That’s what the new project of the two superstars is about…

Nicole Kidman (55) and Jamie Lee Curtis (64) apparently have a new project: an Amazon series based on the “Kay Scarpetta” bestseller by writer Patricia Cornwell (66). As “Deadline” reports, Kidman is set to play coroner Dr. Kay Scarpetta take over. Curtis will reportedly play her “quirky sister” Dorothy. The two actresses are also on the producing team, it is said. The series could end up consisting of two seasons with eight episodes each.

Even if there is no official confirmation of the series from the Amazon Prime Video streaming service, according to US media reports, the news is already being celebrated on Instagram: Author Cornwell shared a photo by Kidman and Curtis in front of some of their book titles. She wrote: “Scarpetta friends, we’ve waited 33 years for this…”.

Jamie Lee Curtis is a big fan of the books

“Deadline” writes about the characters of the series: Kidman’s Kay Scarpetta is “a brilliant forensic pathologist inspired by Marcella Farinelli Fierro, the former chief medical examiner of Virginia who uses forensic technology to solve crimes”. Curtis will play Kay’s sister, Dorothy, “the mother of Lucy Farinelli, who is a recurring character in the book series.”

Jamie Lee Curtis is said to be a big fan of Patricia Cornwell, who has sold over 100 million books. According to the report, the actress regularly appears with the writer at readings. The Kay Scarpetta series began in 1990 with Postmortem. There are said to be 26 books in total so far.

In 2021, Curtis’ company Comet Pictures and Blumhouse Television had secured the rights. There are said to have been several attempts to film “Kay Scarpetta” before. So far, however, without success. According to “Deadline”, Demi Moore (60) was already under discussion for the leading role as a coroner 30 years ago, ten years ago there were reports that Angelina Jolie (47) had been offered the role.


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