Nicolas Sarkozy and his son Jean threatened with death, an investigation opened

At the moment, at Nicolas Sarkozy, one legal news chases another. An investigation into repeated death threats against Nicolas Sarkozy and his son Jean was opened on Wednesday and entrusted to the Brigade for the Repression of Delinquency against the Person (BRDP), indicated the Paris prosecutor’s office, joined by the ‘AFP. “We have been informed of a complaint filed this morning at the police station in the 16th arrondissement of Paris,” said the prosecution, confirming information fromNews17which claims that the complaint was filed through the former president’s security chief.

The complaint relates a threatening phone call made last Sunday to Nicolas Sarkozy’s sister. A stranger reportedly told him “to wish for the death of Nicolas and Jean Sarkozy as soon as possible.” Let them die.” The prosecution did not confirm the content of the threatening remarks. In 2012, then President of the Republic, the former leader of the right had already been threatened with death by email: a man was sentenced to a 500 euro fine, suspended.

Judged on appeal in November in the Bygmalion case

Nicolas Sarkozy, aged 68, is currently promoting his latest book The time of fighting. The former head of state must be judged in November on appeal in the Bygmalion case, then at first instance in early 2025 on the heart of suspicions of Libyan financing of his 2007 presidential campaign.

He could also soon be indicted in a new case, suspected of having endorsed fraudulent maneuvers undertaken by several protagonists to exonerate him in the so-called Libyan financing affair.

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