Nicolas Bedos targeted by a preliminary investigation for “rape” and “sexual assault” – Liberation

Sexual violencecase

According to revelations from “Mediapart” on Tuesday July 18, the actor and director is the subject of a preliminary investigation for three procedures. Already targeted by a complaint in June, he will be tried for “sexual assault” in early 2024.

Words that are released after a complaint and the announcement of a trial. Mediapart reveals Tuesday, July 18 that the actor and director Nicolas Bedos is the subject of a preliminary investigation triggered following the testimony of four women. A procedure for “rape and sexual assault”, two others for “sexual assault”. The Paris prosecutor’s office thus received reports of several women at the end of June. One was heard on July 4, another is due on July 21.

On June 22, we learned that the 44-year-old filmmaker, César for best film in 2020 for the good times, had been in custody since the day before. Accused by a woman of sexual assault, he will be tried at the beginning of 2024. He faces for this offense up to five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

With regard to these new procedures, Mediapart obtained the testimonies of several women, plaintiffs or not, who seem to describe violent behavior on the part of Nicolas Bedos. They explain that they also wanted to testify in court after learning of the existence of a complaint, in order to support this process. Chloé (1) thus sent a letter to the public prosecutor of Paris in order to describe a story dating from the end of the 90s. “He sexually and physically assaulted me in circumstances of work and friendshipwrites the 50-year-old actress and screenwriter in her report. All these years I’ve been hoping for a woman braver than me to file a complaint, it seems like it happened.” Marion (1) explains that Nicolas Bedos would have had “To [son] regard to inappropriate and violent behavior” in August 2017. The actor allegedly attempted to forcefully kiss her several times before becoming “aggressive”.

Contacted by MediapartNicolas Bedos did not wish to react to any of these testimonies.

The investigative media also publishes several testimonials from women who did not wish to file a complaint. These stories describe scenes that may be similar to sexual assault, violent behavior, often accompanied by heavy consumption of alcohol in different Parisian establishments. Words that corroborate the story of the complainant in June. This one, 25 years old, was according to the site News 17 seated at a table on the night of June 1 to 2, in a nightclub in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. She assures that the director has it “staring” before “sliding his hand at the level of his private parts, over his pants”, says the news site. The young woman explains “to have pushed him away” then having recognized him by saying to him “go get treated”. A security guard would then have led Nicolas Bedos out of the establishment.

(1) First names given by Mediapart.

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