Nicolas Bay, the vice-president of Reconquête!, indicted after a complaint for “defamation” of the rapper Médine

“Hello Medina, indictment of Nicolas Bay confirmed. “This message is the one that the lawyer of the rapper Médine sent Tuesday to his client. The artist then shared the screenshot on his Instagram, thus confirming the indictment of the vice-president of Reconquest!. The rapper had filed a complaint for “defamation” against the member of Eric Zemmour’s political party after the latter accused him of having links with the “Islamist movement”.

Screenshot of the instagram story of the rapper Médine – screenshot / Instagram Médine

The facts date back to June 22, 2022. That day, Nicolas Bay posted a video on Twitter in which he criticized Hervé Morin, candidate for the regional elections, for having “paid a grant of 18,000 euros for the production of a documentary to the glory of: rapper Medina”. The video document then describes the rapper as “close to the Islamist movement of the Muslim Brotherhood [qui] did not hesitate to name one of his albums “Jihad”. Nicolas Bay, insist and post in comment : “A documentary to the glory of the Islamist rapper Médine? These are Hervé Morin’s cultural choices for Normandy! »

A complaint against Aurore Bergé

Asked by ReleaseMedina said he was “glad that [sa] complaint succeeds”: “I especially want to set a precedent with these cases so that artists, researchers, associations, athletes, journalists who are insulted by Islamists or Islamo-leftists can, through my case, sue in justice to all who attempt to discredit and smear their work. »

It should be noted that Médine also filed a complaint with the Paris court against Aurore Bergé, in February 2021. Asked about LCI about the controversy over Islamo-leftism at the university on February 18, the one who was then deputy president of the group La République en Marche (LREM) in the National Assembly and deputy of Yvelines had notably described the artist as ” Islamist rapper,” quoting the song Don’t Laik. She goes on to accuse him of having launched a “call for murder”. In this song, the rapper could be heard saying: “Let’s crucify the secularists like in Golgotha. The polygamist is much better than the friend Strauss-Kahn”.

“She sticks me with an ideology which is, of course, not mine (…). I await a condemnation and a public apology”, had reacted Médine near Mediapart.

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