Nicholas Ofczarek: “Why is everyone trying to fathom me all the time?

In the Sky series “Der Pass III” Nicholas Ofczarek plays the craziest of all investigators for the last time. The role also made him a star in Germany. The Viennese have known him for decades as a great folk actor who is at home in all genres.

Mr. Ofczarek, are you also a nuclear power plant in your private life, as your roles would suggest?
There are worse things than getting mixed up with your roles. I’m used to it. When I was approached to play homicide detective Gedeon Winter in “The Passport” five years ago, I was surprised that the role was actually written and created for me, even though they didn’t know me personally. My wife had insisted that to come along to the very first meeting in the “Gmoakeller”, which is actually a bit unprofessional. We were both amazed at the image they had of me. I’m by no means as excessive and escalative as the directors had imagined.

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