Next product rationed in the supermarket – because of the Ukraine war

After rapeseed oil was rationed in supermarkets, other types of oil are now also becoming scarce.Image: Screenshot Twitter

Who vegetable oil im Supermarket If you want to buy, you have to be prepared for higher prices, rationing and sometimes empty shelves. After rapeseed oil was already rationed in supermarkets and customers were allowed to buy a maximum of four bottles per person, other types of oil are now also being used. Sunflower oil is now also set to become a rarity. There are many reasons for this, but the war in Ukraine is primarily responsible for the restrictions.

The Russian attacks and the sanctions that have been adopted are having a direct impact on the production and logistics of oilseeds across the country – and therefore also on the offer in German supermarkets. Statistics from the Association of the Oilseed Processing Industry in Germany According to (OVID), Ukraine with 51 and Russia with 27 percent the world’s most important export countries for sunflower oil. Germany covers 94 percent of its sunflower oil needs with imports.

Ukraine war affects oil stocks in supermarkets

“There are still goods in the warehouses for about four to six weeks,” says Maik Heunsch, press spokesman for OVID “West German General Newspaper”. It is unclear what will happen next. Ukraine would still have 2.5 million tons of crude oil, but due to blocked supply routes and a shortage of workers, they will not come out of the country.

“The conflict will also have an impact on the domestic supply of protein feed made from sunflowers, rapeseed or soy for beef, pork and poultry,” says one press release of the OVID association. More than two-thirds of the soybean produced in Europe comes from Russia and Ukraine – short-term compensation from alternative European sources is not available.

Supermarkets are rationing sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil

People are reporting online that some supermarkets, including Aldi, Lidl, rewe and Edeka, the sunflower oil is already completely sold out. In order to counteract panic buying, many branches have already started restricting the issue of vegetable oils. on Twitter reported an Aldi customer: “No sunflower oil. Cheap olives/rapeseed oil is gone too. The yellow note says: only one bottle per person.”

Also at Edeka the sale of vegetable oil is restricted. A Twitter user recently shared a photo of an empty oil shelf with a note saying “only 2 bottles of oil per household”.

Crazy Twitter theory: vegetable oil instead of fuel?

With fuel prices soaring, some Twitter users have theorized that people are getting the cooking oil in their automobile spill and there is therefore a shortage of oil. “Do people actually fill up with sunflower oil now, or why have the supermarkets been emptied?”wrote a surprised user.

“In our Edeka the oil is gone. Toilet paper, pasta, rice, soap – everything is there, only oil is gone,” another user was amazed. “Are the Hochtaunus SUVs now running on rapeseed and olive oil instead of diesel?”


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